As a parent, you know there are lots of things to take care of when it’s time for the kids to head back to school. Unfortunately, schools are a primary source of head lice, so you may be wondering about how (or if) you can prevent an infestation. At Littlebugs Hair Care, we have a few back-to-school lice prevention tips we think you will find helpful.
Littlebugs Lice Elimination Kit includes our Nit Spray, Mint Serum, and Metal Micro-Grooved Comb.
- First, talk to your children about lice and how they are spread from one person to another; also explain how they can prevent “catching” head lice.
- If your child has longer hair, put it in a ponytail, braid, or bun, securing loose hair or bangs with a barrette or clip.
- Explain to your child how important it is not to share hair brushes, combs, and other hair accessories or any items that touch the head including scarves or coats, bicycle helmets, even headsets or earbuds.
- Before going to school in the morning (or daycare, little league practice, or anywhere where other children are present) spray hair with Littlebugs Mint Spray, a product designed with ingredients lice find offensive.
- Avoid head-to-head contact. Whether it’s playing a game, doing homework, or even taking “selfies” with cell phones to post on social media sites, head contact should be avoided.
- Have your child store hats, scarves, coats, or other belongings away from others’ belongings. Placing these items in a back pack is a good idea, as items stored in shared spaces such as on coat hooks or in lockers make a good breeding ground for head lice.
If despite all your efforts your child comes home with head lice, it’s best to take action immediately. If an outbreak is announced at school, check your child’s hair and scalp carefully and watch for tell-tale signs such as itching. To eliminate an infestation, Littlebugs Hair Care products are natural, contain no pesticides or dangerous ingredients, and effective. Available at, our products can stop an infestation before it begins, or eliminate them once nits and/or eggs have been detected.